Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pr Music Promotion -The Case Of Rhapsody America-

Rhapsody is a digital music service that lets you listen to whatever you want, whenever you want it. With online music stores, you pay for every track or album, but Rhapsody lets you listen to everything we've got for one low monthly price. Launched in December 2001, Rhapsody was the first music service to offer streaming on-demand access to nearly its entire library of digital music. Downloaded files come with restrictions on their use, enforced by Helix, RealNetworks' version of Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Since RealNetworks Music joined forces with MTVN to form Rhapsody America in August, 2007, Rhapsody has developed key partnerships with major players that have helped maintain its position as the ultimate music destination. As a leader in the music industry, Rhapsody has worked hard to demonstrate its stance as an elite subscription-based music service.
In just a few short months, Rhapsody has partnered with TiVo to offer Rhapsody-ready TiVo devices – providing consumers with an unparalleled music experience from the comfort of their living room – developed key marketing relationships with partners such as Best Buy and Wendy’s – offering one of the largest music download giveaways ever – and also partnered with a number of company’s to offer consumers high-end devices such as Haier‘s Wi-Fi enabled ibiza Rhapsody.

With lead publications such as BusinessWeek, Rolling Stone and the Wall Street Journal recognizing Rhapsody’s advancements in the digital music industry, Rhapsody has proven it’s a force to be reckoned with.

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