Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Spinning In YouTube" Or "The Damaging Effects Of Negative PR For PR"

Well, some people tend to think that PR within the spheres of politics and show business lacks of honesty and integrity. Nevertheless, in order to present their opposing views towards PR they have used... PR. We could define this form of PR as "Technology Anti - PR"

Our first case considers humorously the phenomenon of life scandals in Hollywood and PR way to gain from them.

In our second case however, the most well-known person in the UK often described as a "spin doctor" ,Tony Blair's former public relations representative; Alastair Campbell is critisized for his positions towards the war in Iraq. The first one will make you laugh.... The second will make you think....

Can You Give A Second Chance To PR?

How could PR get a global audience's attention? Well, a movie would be up to the task... However, how could anybody make the audience feel there are a part of the message? Bring the movie to life! Bring it to Second Life!! Although I know that some of collegues (Giota) would disagree with me, I have found the perfect example....

Lexis PR public relations consultancy has launched Coca-Cola’s latest ad campaign, ‘Happiness Factory - The Movie’ to a global audience. Furthermore, in order to reach the global audience with a simultaneous launch Lexis built an art deco, Coke cinema in virtual world Second Life and created a virtual red-carpet movie premiere complete with celebrity guest Avril Lavigne.

Also, the campaign director added a ‘Coke Cinema’ TV channel on YouTube to seed video footage from the event across the world and a word-of-mouth campaign to seed branded content across key social networks including MySpace, Facebook & Bebo.

The result was that the campaign's message reached a combined audience of over 70million people across six continents! Really Impressing!! See This Movie